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Here are the weirdest and most brilliant pictures sent in by our readers

Hats off guys.

A VITAL PART of news gathering involves our readers sending in tips.

And while a lot of the time these are bang on the money – other times they’re not.

As part of this we get some pretty interesting oddities sent our way, and rather than keep them to ourselves, we’ve decided to share them with all of you.

So here’s a look at some of the surprises we got when we opened our inboxes recently:

Wooooooohhhh! A ghost. 

No doubt that the creepiest photo of the week award goes to Ciara Cal from Cork.

The first picture is of her brother Glenn and his son Sean and daughter Carly.

So far, so good.

Immediately after taking the picture Ciara accidentally snapped the ceiling, in which the creepy looking face showed up.

To try and get to the bottom of the mystery Glenn uploaded the picture onto Photoshop and changed the contrast of the colours – something that just made the face stand out more clearly.

Scanning through the phone’s reel, Ciara says there are no pictures of anyone who has a face remotely like the one in the second and third pictures – and it’s even being recognised as a face by Facebook.




If there is anyone out there with more information about where the face might have come from write in to and we can pass the information along.


Over in France they do things differently, or so we’re told. One reader clocked this gym in Paris which is – handily enough – situated directly above a branch of McDonald’s.



A reader from Longford town sent this in. They’re not sure what it means, and to be honest, we’re a bit confused ourselves.



Home to vote

The major news event of the week (and probably the year) has been the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom. In the democratic spirit of things, Mark O’Malley brought his wife back to the UK to allow her to vote and sent us in this picture.



Summer time

With 21 June being the longest day of the year, Monday (the day before) marked the official start of summer – an event that was followed by heavy rain throughout the week.

Anywho, one reader sent us in this picture of the sunset from Brookville Park in Blackrock, Dublin just after 10pm on 21 June.


Read: Seven of the weirdest and most brilliant pictures sent in by our readers

Also: This Dublin sweet cafe has created a decadent rainbow ice cream cup for Pride

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