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PENGUINS HAVE HELPED scientists map areas of the Antarctic in greatest need of protection from the threat of over exploitation in a rapidly-changing climate.
A cohort of scientists compiled tracking data from five different species of penguin and 12 other marine predators to find the regions most densely populated with prey.
To mark World Penguin Day today, the scientists involved are highlighting their role in the new research and its importance to conservation efforts.
Tracking data from adelie, emperor, king, royal and macaroni penguin species was used, as well as data from two species of petrel, four types of albatross, four types of seal and humpback whales.
It revealed the areas most popular with multiple predator species were also under the most pressure from commercial fishing and the most vulnerable to changing patterns of sea ice coverage.
The Antarctic – which is only just beginning to recover from industrial seal hunting, whaling and deep sea fishing – is now one of the regions most sensitive to climate change.
Squid and Antarctic toothfish are still fished in these waters, and there is pressure from commercial operations to expand existing krill fisheries.
Krill is a vital prey for predators at the top of the food chain, and one of the areas of significance discovered in the south Atlantic corresponds to an area of increased krill concentration.
Another in the Indian Ocean was found to overlap a region dominated by both krill and myctophid fish – one of the most diverse fish species in the world.
Among the consequences of rapid change in sea ice coverage in the Southern Ocean are pressure on breeding-site availability and access to and the availability of prey.
The study was based on data collected between 1991 and 2016 from 4,060 individuals across the 17 species.
Collected by more than 70 researchers across 12 national Antarctic programmes, the data covers 2.3 million visits by the predators to different locations in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic Continent.
The research team now want to see these areas of ecological importance considered for legal protection by including them in marine protected areas recognised by international law.
Currently just 29% lie within the boundaries of marine protected areas.
In the paper Tracking of Marine Predators to Protect Southern Ocean Ecosystems, they wrote: “An appropriately designed network of protected areas can help to buffer the effects of climate change and reduce the effect of stressors such as bycatch or competition from fisheries.
“Our areas of ecological significance are clearly candidates for protection.”
Published in the journal Nature, the study was led by the University of Cambridge-based Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research and supported by the WWF and France’s Centre de Synthese et d’Analyse sur la Biodiversite.
Rod Downie, Polar Expert at WWF, said: “In the Antarctic and its surrounding ocean, penguins are living on the frontline of the climate crisis.
“We need to understand which areas are most important for wildlife, so we can protect them from current and emerging threats.”
He added: “By tracking the movements of these iconic species we can identify the areas that would benefit from greater protection.
“The more we know about penguins and other Antarctic species, the better we can protect them.”
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IAG doesn’t seem to want the middle eastern business back… They seem willing to let it go.
They make all their money on transatlantic where they compete only with the American airlines, and no one will go east to go west.
Fly Any of the Middle Eastern cariers in first and business class and the difference is immense meanwhile BA cuts their cabin service and comfort back by the day. The Qatar A380 has 56 seats in biz/first plus a lounge and the same number of crew and space as BA have serving 114 on theirs.
Drew , you are right but Qatar want the westbound traffic, that’s where it gets interesting.
If the government think about this rationally they will refuse to sell because of unemployment in North Dublin , decreased connectivity between Dublin , cork and Shannon with Heathrow.
Also , the financial side is murky when taking into aer lingus ‘ cash non pension cash reserves.
Qatar will take it at least from the USA and European based customers…. Not the premium direct to London but people flying via london to elsewhere in Europe.
All their new 787s and A350s are going on second tier european routes. Zurich, Geneva, Berlin, Milan, Vienna, Rome… Plus the hubs Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfurt.
Flight time isn’t the issue its stopping and dealing with the BA terminal 5 mess.
The 1% wealthiest in the world are buying up state assets worldwide. The 99% rest of us will be left with nothing.
Yes they are after the Heathrow slots, we are an Island as a nation we have to stop this, no new lading slots in Heathrow, earth population rising, we are going to sell off all Our assets to the 1% who are fueled on only by Greed !!! They will then in turn, control the cost of flying in and out of Ireland, think longterm people. Do you think choose to fly commercial flight from Ireland to Heathrow or China to Heathrow, which has higher profits !!! That is all the 1% care about !!
So what if they’re after the slots? Dublin’s already connected to all the major North American business hubs, to all the European capitals, to all the major middle and Far East hubs. We’re well connected, the hype over the slots is just political cacophonous BS…
@ Byys, the slots are too costly in London, passenger tax is sky high compared to tax out of Ireland – they want the short haul to Dublin and then onwards to the U.S. (and probably worldwide) to keep their taxes and prices down…..meaning lots more routes and customers….
Make the regulators do the job properly. They don’t with phones, power, health insurance, airport charges et al. Check the petrol pumps tomorrow. Still a long way to go to reflect current oil prices. Aer Lingus and Aer Rianta and CIE and the ESB have been screwing us for ever.
Peter, you forgot to mention Willie Walsh is an Aer Lingus shareholder, and also sits on the NTMA committee who advise the government on the sale of state assets!
And I hope he does. The taxpayer has even more scores to settle. Does everybody forget it cost €400 return to London in the ’70′s? Team Aer Lingus screwed Bertie. Cheap flights to staff when paying customers couldn’t get on. Ridiculous pensions and Greek retirements. Wake up out there.
“Cheap flights for staff when customer couldn’t get on” You sir are a fool who doesn’t know how standby travel works. And by the way the ’70′s were 40 years ago…build a bridge. The world, the nation, the industry and the company are far far changed from the 1970′s/
Fairly simple, I think this is undervalued. I think the shareholders are being ripped off with the offer and tbh i think IAG are taking advantage of the currency markets presently to make it appear their offer has improved when in reality it has not.
Aer Lingus may be sold at some stage, but no i dont believe its a good deal. Should be Vetoed
The real question is… How come every country that has dealings with the IMF always ends up privatising everything connected with that countries government?
That’s easy, they get bargain deals for their people and bleed the country dry. Sort of Mafia shake down, when do they stop, when everything is Gone and the country belongs to a few mega corporations. They are up to it here and Irish water is in their sights in fact they believe they have it that’s why Enda and the rest of the parasites are ignoring the wishes of the people.
Approx 1.2 million people voted for pro water party charges parties on the last general election approx 300,000 voted for anti water charges parties. Now tell me how is implementing water charges not in the democratic wishes of the people based on the last GE?
One thing I don’t understand is why the UK regulator can order Ryanair to reduce its shareholding ? Surely it has no jurisdiction over two Irish companies
Tom, incorrect. It’s because they both have significant business that affects the UK
Ireland is the only country in the EU that does not have a law stating that your competitor cannot have a large shareholding in you that could potentially impact your business and/or competition
Padraig ..DUB Heathrow is among the busiest in the world.. IAG appear to be chasing the.transatlantic business at DUB….over 2 million passengers last year..Heathrow slots don’t really matter at Dublin. There’s plenty of good connections from DUB to everywhere.
The point should be made about the notion of using Dublin/Shannon as transatlantic hub:
Open Skies already exists between the the EU and USA – if BA (or Iberia were minded to), they could run their own large planes out of Dublin/Shannon to American cities, without ever having to buy Aer Lingus. This is why Aer Lingus operated a direct Madrid-Washington DC a few years ago.
There’s more to this than IAG simply benefitting from Dublin/Shannon’s geographical location and pre-clearance option.
What a joke they sell off the share way under worth destroy about 1500 real jobs (not job scam or call center ones). The shares are being given away to a corporation that has no intention honoring any agreements
So they are willing to pay 1.3 billon for EI not a bad deal for IAG when you look at the cash reserves EI has,Not to mention the LHR slots sure they would nearly recoup all the money spent acquiring the airline.
Now if we look at the jobs that would be lost with figures in and around 1200,That’s another 1200 to join the dole with job skills that are not really transferable to another industry.
That is also 1200 tax payers gone just say on average they pay 10k in taxes that’s a 12 million dip in revenue,Then a knock on affect in the local shops etc not to mention mortgage difficulties.
Who has passchaal got advising him ? and if it’s true about Mr Walsh on the board of the NTA he should be removed due to a possible conflict of interest.
Also anyone saying that it’s a good thing regarding mergers they might want to read up on the Air France KLM merger.
I’m getting sick of all these commentators spouting rubbish about job losses. They are basing the 1,200 job figures on the fact that IAG cut a proportional amount in Iberia….Iberia was a loss making airline, they had to make the cuts…Aer Lingus has gone through cost cutting and have shed the day of the organisation. Yes, there may be a few more that can go but they are starting to get leaner…I believe this takeover will actually lead to growth out of ireland and growth for Aer Lingus.
He doesn’t want to buy Aer Lingus just to let them fail…if people really think that, they are stupid.
Aer Lingus have been growing to North America for a good few years now and have a good offering out of dublin. Willie Walsh will want to try to get people from the north of England into ireland and onwards to the U.S. from dublin…if he does that, he frees up heathrow slots by removing BA short haul services into heathrow…he already said that dublin heathrow is a profitable route and he wouldn’t touch it!
It is just incredibly frustrating that politicians with absolutely zero business sense are making this decision because they want to get re-elected.
If the government turns this down, they may as well Nationalise Aer Lingus again and watch it fail because without a big gun behind Aer Lingus, the new businessman and family friendly Ryanair will eliminate Aer Lingus as a competitor in the medium term.
Iv worked for EI, Qatar and now BA and I know after all these years not to rely on Mr Walshs assurances!!! That especially includes the LHR slots.
As for job losses, I agree I don’t believe the figures being thrown around however I do still believe an awful lot of the ei operation could be farmed out and centralised to the UK or Spanish operations such as load control, reservations, IT and a bundle more administrative roles! Then tere is cargo. BA worldcargo and Iberia Cargo now operate as one under IAG Cargo. Aer Lingus cargo will more than likely also disappear and this will be streamlined into IAGS and will result in Aer Lingus job losses!!!!
We need to be very careful what we wish for in all of this! There can be no doubt that things will change and not necessarily for the benefit of the irish people!
the €150m that the govt gets will pay to take IW off the state books.IMF get the other €150m and remember legarde told govt in her speech when she visted that govt must work at getting debt down as soon as they can.By privatising the banks and any other means…………
Surely the notion of ‘National Carrier’ is well past it’s sell-by date and in any case Ryanair are certainly filling that slot. Did we not read recently of Ireland standing to benefit from the congestion at the London airports in some way and of how Dublin could become a major hub for transatlantic traffic or has someone on the continent beaten us to that gem?
Is it possible that the whole saga gets drawn out beyond any general election? a) to try and protect seats and b) when the lose it becomes somebody else’s problem.
Here’s another: it’s an issue of immense strategy national importance to an island nation with a global disapora and one of the world’s most open economies.
I would be quite happy for Ryanair to buy Aer Lingus, given that it’s one of the most successful airlines in the world, Irish owned and has rather ambitious plans for the future.
As Chris said its a screen, if it was a real picture on the apron they are allowed to remove the high vis vests during photo shoot, all the photographers and persons involved will have high-vis vests on and there are marshallers around so anyone without a high-vis can’t leave the area of the aircraft without putting one on.
I’m getting sick of all these commentators spouting rubbish about job losses. They are basing the 1,200 job figures on the fact that IAG cut a proportional amount in Iberia….Iberia was a loss making airline, they had to make the cuts…Aer Lingus has gone through cost cutting and have shed the day of the organisation. Yes, there may be a few more that can go but they are starting to get leaner…I believe this takeover will actually lead to growth out of ireland and growth for Aer Lingus.
He doesn’t want to buy Aer Lingus just to let them fail…if people really think that, they are stupid.
Aer Lingus have been growing to North America for a good few years now and have a good offering out of dublin. Willie Walsh will want to try to get people from the north of England into ireland and onwards to the U.S. from dublin…if he does that, he frees up heathrow slots by removing BA short haul services into heathrow…he already said that dublin heathrow is a profitable route and he wouldn’t touch it!
It is just incredibly frustrating that politicians with absolutely zero business sense are making this decision because they want to get re-elected.
If the government turns this down, they may as well Nationalise Aer Lingus again and watch it fail because without a big gun behind Aer Lingus, the new businessman and family friendly Ryanair will eliminate Aer Lingus as a competitor in the medium term.
I know people from Spain who are traveling to the USA via Dublin;
Madrid-Dublin-Dublin USA,
Because the savings are so great re Iberia’s direct flights.
Aer Lingus have been hovering up a lot of Willie’s transatlantic customers in Spain (probably England too) and Like a good businessman he wants that to stop.
Dont bet on IAG ownership doing anything useful for competition in the transatlantic air fare market.
Remember Ryanair have no foothold here..
The slots alone are worth 900m. Add in cash of 400m and there you are. We would be giving it away at 1.3b. It’s a stealfor IAG and a bad deal for us. How long before the Aer Lingus logo would disappear.
Dont be an idiot and believe stupid headlines. The slots are not worth 900 million. Going rate is approx $30M. Times 23 you get ~$690m. So lets say IAG cut the flights to LHR to use those slots for longhaul. Those BA planes are going to be unprofitable….Why? Because 5-10% of BA longhaul passengers get there from Ireland. Cut the flights and you lose the customers. And all those potential passengers from Ireland start flying with Emirates and/or Ethiad. Simples.
The reality is that Aer Lingus will eventually be sold. So, do we want it to be sold to China or the Middle East, or would we prefer a group which has real and sustained growth plans in the region?
Willie Walsh has no intrest in Irish Avaition sure when he ran Aerlingus last time he wanted the first plane Aerlingus flew in 1936 (IOLAR) that was restored by Aerlingus staff in their own free time removed from the companies buildings/ Hanger. The Heartless Sonso !!!!
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