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A mourner outside the Carillon cafe in Paris the day after the 13 November attacks. Thibault Camus/AP/Press Association Images
Islamic State is planning for large-scale attacks on Europe, says police chief
The head of the EU police agency Europol says that IS has developed a “new combat-style capability”.
3.15pm, 25 Jan 2016
THE SO-CALLED ISLAMIC State group has honed the ability to launch global attacks and is set to focus more on Europe following the Paris massacre, the chief of the EU police agency Europol said today.
Rob Wainwright told a news conference that “the so-called Islamic State had developed a new combat-style capability to carry out a campaign of large-scale terrorist attacks on a global stage – with a particular focus in Europe.”
“So-called Islamic State has a willingness and a capability to carry out further attacks in Europe, and of course all national authorities are working to prevent that from happening,” he added.
Wainwright was unveiling the findings of a new Europol report on changes in how the jihadist group operates, coinciding with the launch of the agency’s new counter-terrorism centre in The Hague.
IS claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks on 13 November in which 130 people were killed, releasing a video on Sunday purporting to show nine of the jihadists in which they threaten “coalition countries” including Britain.
A US-led coalition has been fighting IS in Iraq since August 2014, and in Syria since September that year.
“IS is preparing more terrorist attacks, including more ‘Mumbai-style’ attacks, to be executed in member states of the EU, and in France in particular,” the Europol report said.
The attacks will be primarily directed at soft targets, because of the impact it generates. Both the November Paris attacks and the October 2015 bombing of a Russian airliner suggest a shift in IS strategy towards going global.
IS had developed an “external action command” which was trained for “special forces-style attacks” internationally, the report said.
No evidence of refugees
But the report played down fears that jihadists were smuggling themselves into Europe as part of the huge wave of refugees and migrants that the continent is dealing with, many of whom are fleeing the war in Syria.
“There is no concrete evidence that terrorist travellers systematically use the flow of refugees to enter Europe unnoticed,” it said.
It warned however that many new arrivals were vulnerable to radicalisation or recruitment, with evidence that extremist recruiters were specifically targeting refugee centres.
One of the main tasks of the new Europol counter-terrorism centre was to collect details on the estimated 5,000 Europeans who have gone to fight with IS in Syria and Iraq, Wainwright said.
“We already have details on 3,700 fighters actively engaged in the conflict zone but that’s not the full picture and it’s something we will be addressing through the priority work of the new centre,” it said.
“But the report played down fears that jihadists were smuggling themselves into Europe” – If you don’t check where people are coming from and they have no ID, how the hell are they so confident that ISIS are not infiltrating Europe? Common sense would suggest they already have. ISIS themselves have said they would use the “refugee” crisis to infiltrate Europe. Make no mistake about it, the EU are facilitating Europe’s destruction and out of the ashes of these coming attacks, they will seize more control. ISIS are a horrible group, but our real enemy is the bureaucrat’s who roam the hallways in Brussels.
“US reaffirms ‘strong friendship’ with head-chopping dictatorship
Poor Saudi Arabia. Their arch-rival, Iran, has been allowed back into the global economy after fourty-odd years of Draconian sanctions; their invasion of Yemen has been a total disaster (not including all the bombed hospitals), and their moderate rebels in Syria are being pummeled by Russian airstrikes. “
Europeans are a target alright, along with Shi’ite muslims, Yezidis, Syrian and Iraqi Christians, Kurds, Armenian and Coptic minorities, Athiests, Gays and last but not least, women and children. Or anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Pretty much everyone I suppose.
Refugee crisis is to create a one governing European union , the bankers want to impose martial law , to achieve a divide and conquer strategy needs to be created , hence Islam v Christianity , in America it has already started by blacklivesmatter which is funded by George Soros with the purpose of blacks starting fights with police and shouting whites hates us , think about this Syria is the only country not to have a Rothschild owned banking system hence why Assad is the bad guy , also think about why Saudi Arabia who has already built air conditioning tents which could hold 3 million refugees are point blank refusing , its all a part of the plan , get yer heads outta sand folks
Be careful posting those alternative media links here in the matrix Pat.
You’re making the mainstream media clones feel uncomfortable.
That’s because the Hungarians have history dealing with Muslims as they were occupied under the Ottoman Empire, so they can’t be blamed for how they are dealing with them, fair play to them.
“There is no concrete evidence that terrorist travellers systematically use the flow of refugees to enter Europe unnoticed,” it said.
Funny that…according to security reports from France they couldn’t work out how the leader of the Paris attacks Abdelhamid Abaaoud had been coming and going to Syria unnoticed and they knew him….how could they possibly know, if people they ‘don’t know’, are terrorists, coming in with refugees.
The whole thing is a croc. They haven’t a clue who has entered Europe: “The German government has admitted it cannot account for 600,000 of the 1.1 million migrants who arrived into the country last year – raising concerns that the migrants have absconded into Germany and other European Union (EU) nations.”
The western world is pathetic. Strongly Islamic countries implement their way of life, and couldn’t give 2 hoots about what the rest of the world thinks, eg Saudi. ISIS takes it to the next level with their goal of implementing their way of life on the entire world using violence and the sword. Their success so far has been facilitated by the all permissive western world. However, won’t their eventually come a time when we have to stand up for our way of life and take their attitude: you are with us or you will die. I say that time is now, and it’s time for a few indiscriminate high power bombs to be dropped on ISIS strongholds. Clearly we can warn them first and give them the opportunity return to the dark ages and live in caves quietly.
Watched a Britain First video recently (yeah, I know but bear with me) – BF come across as thuggish, hooligan-esque types. Parking that for a second; what BF were doing was a christian patrol, through a fairly Muslim looking area. Provocative? Probably. The patrol amounted to walking along the street with large crosses and handing out some BF newspaper. The marchers were followed, intimidated, attempted assault by some old Muslim, egged, and twice told by Muslims that Islam is ‘taking over’ – the people who said that were fairly normal looking too. Would the reaction have been as aggressive if the situation were reversed? I doubt it strongly.
A great video- I watched it last week. Amazing the difference is attitude.
..and it is coming to a town near you soon; Small muslim ‘prayer groups’ popping up in towns where there is no official ‘mosque’ – try knocking on the door and asking to be allowed in….
“Islamic State is planning for large-scale attacks on Europe, says police chief”??
It’s fortunate that our (bought and paid for puppet) governments have invited in millions of middle eastern aggressive military aged men to help us fight this scourge.
Fuelling them with, food, shelter and money to buy weapons.
Leaving our borders wide open so that they can freely travel to summon reinforcements and weaponry to our assistance.
Assisting them in building military strongholds in our cities.
So that they may teach our citizens how to treat women and children.
Such brave men that have deserted their own women children and elderly to come to our aid.
This is truly an epic moment for Europe.
Mr Sutherland should be proud of his creation.
Welcome to the New World Europe.
Wait and watch for a raft of all new taxes to be burdened onto the shoulders of the lower middle classes of Europe.
The “cultural enrichment” tax?
The refugee tax?
The terrorist importation tax?
The mugging tax?
The rapist tax?
The paedophile tax?
The violent pervert tax?
The NYE city centre rapefest tax?
The refugee deportation tax?
The public swimming pool policing tax?
The Lorry driver safety tax?
The local people reprogramming tax?
The seizure of local people’s homes/property to provide housing for violent military aged men tax?
etc etc etc.
” Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is a religion of fighting. No one should believe that the war that we are raging is the war of the islamic state, it is a war of all Muslims, but the Islamic state is spearheading it. It is a war of Muslims against infidels ” : ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, May 2014.
New English report about the worker at the asylum spoofer centre in Sweden who was stabbed to death this morning:
A young man allegedly stabbed and killed a female employee at the refugee centre for unaccompanied minors where he was staying in western Sweden, police have said.
The 22-year-old victim was taken to a nearby hospital but died of her wounds. Other residents at the home restrained her alleged attacker while officers arrived.
Police would not comment on the identity or nationality of the alleged attacker, except to say that he was a young man who was a resident of the centre for 14- to 17-year-olds in Mölndal.
All you right-on luvvies who want to open our borders to these spoofers, be careful out there while you are doing your virtue signalling. There have been numerous reports of these workers being raped and assaulted.
Amazing that RT is the only broadcaster that is reporting that Swedish girl stabbed to death , nothing from sky news , Fox news CNN , RTE .. you would think that’s big news considering That when a refugee drowns they shove it down our throats
it was bound to happen, that stabbing in Sweden of the social worker, there was no report of the mother and son stabbed to death in Ikea in Sweden too, or the Jewish mother who was stabbed to death in her hallway last week in Israel defending her children from a Palestinian home invader bent on killing them all. .
“The victim, a 22-year-old woman, was alone with eight young male residents of the home, Lippens said.”
It’s on CNN international now. Like, here we have a young social worker actually taking care of these men. And they stab her. There are no words. Although being a young blond woman alone with eight Muslim men was probably her principal, and final, mistake.
To anybody who follows the tactics of Islamic terrorism this is old news and the warning signs have been there for at least a year. An IS fighter who was captured by the Kurds and who was interviewed by RT News said that fighters from the EU and other countries were trained in Syria/Iraq and then sent home as sleepers to be reactivated when called upon. This was poo-pooed by the US and liberal media because it came from RT News and the Kurds so anything that they say is wrong in their eyes no matter how true it is.
IS know that using operatives who are native in their own countries make sense because they won’t attract attention. Those tasked with radicalizing new recruits speak the local lingo and so can get their message of hate across a lot quicker. The latest IS video with the Paris attackers is in French and aimed at the french speaking “market” of recruits. The sleepers who are tasked with attacks are military trained and can easily blend in with the local populace so that when they are doing a recce of a target they are less likely to be discovered. the cells are compact 4-8 man cells with backup from autonomous logistical support groups that don’t make direct contact with each other. This cuts down on the ability for intelligence services to intercept communications and so detect the presence or plans of these groups.
The EU will indeed fall victim to these groups over the coming period and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the casualties will run into the hundreds. The authorities have put in a big security presence around big cities and perceived high value targets but the fact is that nowhere is safe. The attackers will avoid high security targets and cities and instead pick areas that can’t be covered in a security blanket. These people are military trained by ex-Syrian and Iraqi officers and soldiers so they are not your run of the mill terrorists. The are intelligent, well trained, well equipped and fanatically dedicated. Make no mistake, Paris was only the start of this.
They’re always plotting. That’s what they live for….and their all over Europe. They don’t need to travel here Cus they’re already here… It’s only a matter of time. My only worry is that they don’t start going door to door.
There are lots of reports out there from refugees saying that there are IS fighters among them. These Assyrian Christians for one:
“When the man first saw the jihadist in Germany, his reaction was that of panic.
“I was very scared that this terrorist is in a democratic state like Germany just living here,” the refugee told RT, adding that he does not understand how those who kept whole families hostage now have Syrian refugee status in Germany.
The Assyrian community now feels very insecure as “this was not the first case” a former IS member had been recognized, the man said. He added that some people are even considering leaving Germany, but do not know where to run to.”
The Germans and Swedes are just complete and utter nieve fools. Anyone who showed up who looked remotely middle-eastern was let in, even without any ID. We have the Paris attackers coming in as “refugees”, we have the lone gunman in Paris a few weeks ago coming in as a “refugee”, we have the 1,500 Muslim men who assaulted and raped German women on NYE coming in as “refugees”…and this is all in the last three months. HOW MANY MORE TIMES before these fools wake up.
They are already here. I know someone who meets with and deals with them weekly through their work. Their passports and travel documents strongly suggest that they are travelling to IS strongholds for months at a time, eg Raqa, Kabul and Saudi. Also large unexplained lodgements into their bank accounts. They are protected by our social welfare legislation and our immigration laws. But there are most definitely highly trained and radicalised IS fighters living in your village / town ready and waiting when given the word.
They are certainly in the cities and strangely in some small rural towns. A lot of them you will find working in Pizzarias. One comes over, opens a pizza parlour, brings over a load of his mates, gives them ‘jobs’ entitling them to PPS numbers, thus establishing them here.
Thanks Denise. Since the people who actually know this stuff are always gagged from telling the public, have you any suggestions for how someone who doesn’t know anyone on the inside could go about finding out what’s really going on?
The crack pots are banding about hearsay and conjecture. Surely if there is any truth to what Denise’s informant is telling her, they should report it to the authorities.
They have done and continue to do. But they are protected by our laws. You cannot simply deport someone based on their travel in and out of the state. And if you try to, the ECHR will block it as was demonstrated a few weeks ago.
James Mc, if you had read my first post you would have seen that there is far more evidence than just being Muslim. But I’ll give it to you again: These are people that are claiming asylum in Ireland. They leave the state for three to four months at a time, travelling to IS strongholds. And have large unexplained lodgements into their bank accounts. They refuse to offer any explanation as to where they have been or why. So take that as you will. I and others find it dodgy to say the least. No need for veiled racist labelling. People have a right to question what is going on in their own neighbourhoods and who their taxes are supporting.
And how might I ask does your informant have such a detailed knowledge of there travel and banking arrangements? And you say the Garda will do nothing.
There is a distinct waft of manure off your story, but I am open to convincing if you have something more concrete to go on.
The Facebook page you mentioned is bogus. It lists imams and their contract details who have nothing to with the page, and they have in turn reported it to the Garda. Now that is not to say that it wasn’t a Muslim/s who set it up. All I’m saying Is that it was set up to whip up hysteria against moderate imams/ Muslim people living in Ireland.
Far from it. IS WANT US/EU/Russian troops on the ground because up to now they have been killing only Muslims and that isn’t good for them. They want infidel soldiers in orange jumpsuits getting beheaded on their videos for the propaganda value. Even if Raqqa and Mosul are taken, IS will just disperse to the next place they can. While they differ from AQ in that they have seized land their ideology is still mobile. You can take back all the ground that you like but defeating an ideology is a hell of a lot harder. Just remember, Al Qaeda doesn’t hold any territory but still has influence throughout the world.
If they do they can expect swift revenge from me. I’ve been collecting heaps of our dog’s shyte from the garden over the last few months and Mr. Putin assures me they will be dropped on IS targets very soon.
Reading an article about prophetess vanga , she correctly predicted the great Islam invasion of Europe led by the third anti Christ some guy called Muhammad , a very evil person to all you atheists … Rome will be the Islam capital . Then we will be saying , if only we could go back in time and stop the Islamic exodus on Europe
LOLZ at that comment there is no concrete evidence that terrorists have been smuggled in amongst the refugees. Complete misdirection. I can just as validly say there’s no concrete evidence that there aren’t terrorists amongst them. There’s over a million people and good degree of whom we have no idea of their background.
this is what the liberals have been supporting,the murders in paris and any future attacks can be laid at their feet,diversity,multi culty,political correctness cannot hide the blood on the hands of the left wing politicans,media,and dumb ass supporters
ISIS lost 2000 men in Kobani and perhaps another 5,000 injured. Losing ground in IS and needs continuing spectacular wins to keep up the in-flow of useful idiots . So with Saudi financing and support will look for spectacular attacks on West. This brings it in line with Al Kaeda policy of attacking outside targets only and so look for co-operation here between ISIS and Al Kaeda. Muslim Brotherhood still advising ‘The Mole in the White House’ in final year so every effort in my mind will be made to expand attacks in the West.
Get ready for action men!
“When Our Lord shall lie in Our Lady’s lap, then England will meet with a strange mishap.” (Mar 25th?) It is said that the last time this was true was the London bombings as terrorists love using specific dates?
There is a very interesting biblical prophesy been spoken of, by various religions, that this whole Middle East thing will end this year. That’s the good news…but….the bad news is that an awful ISIS attrocity on the Spanish mainland, allegedly due very shortly, is gonna drag into war, USA, Russia, China & Europe there will be one almighty ding dong globally. We’ll watch this space.
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