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Sam Boal/Photocall Ireland
There's MORE good news for Enda and Joan in the latest opinion poll
Shane and Lucinda, maybe not so much.
7.48pm, 24 Jan 2015
GOVERNMENT DEPUTIES WILL sleep a little bit easier tonight as a new opinion poll reveals an increase in support for Fine Gael and Labour… again.
However, while independents and others remain far ahead, the latest Red C/Sunday Business Post poll reveals support for them at 28%, down two points.
This is despite the Independent Alliance and Lucinda Creighton’s yet-to-be-named party gaining further momentum.
Sinn Féin has taken a significant knock in support, tumbling four points to 20%.
A relatively quiet period in the lifetime of the Coalition is potentially the cause of this further boost of three points each, bringing Fine Gael to 24% and Labour to 9%.
The two parties are hoping this could continue to improve in future polls, as the public begins to feel the effect of Budget 2015 in their first pay cheques of the new year.
Support for Fianna Fáil remains uncharged at 19%.
POLL: Of the 28% for Inds/others: Non-aligned Inds 24% Greens 2% PBP 1% Remainder (incl AAA, SP, Ross alliance and Lucinda party): 1%
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It’s hilarious that the shinners accepted without question the opinion results last year when SF were on the rise. But now their validity is being question when the results go the wrong way. You couldn’t make this up.
@gerry, Just because everyone has access to this site does not mean this site is in any way representative, as a great many do not not choose to access this site. These polls are very accurate as they ensure a representative cross section of society is polled. Just because you find the results unpalatable does not make the results wrong, it just means your preferences represent a minority opinion in this country.
Yawn polls and more polls. I wonder can polls take money out of people’s pockets or food out of children’s mouths?
What Ireland want to hear is:
1. An influx of industrial wage jobs.
2. Better services for taxes people pay.
Otherwise cn we keep the mugshots of Joan, Enda, Gerry et. al. out of the media spotlight because quite frankly their faces are putting me off my dinner…
I never said the poll was wrong. 9% for Labour sounds about right! Im just wondering what area they used or how they conducted the poll, would be interesting to know.
This is the first month just after the goverment’s Christmas recess. The government bounce happens everytime every year in this period while opposition drops, temporarily. How much are Fine Gael paying their online bots these days? They need to train you more.
Lets pray to god the country has woken up to to threat of the Lefty loons and SF. Most reasonable people agree we shouldn’t punish those who go out and work hard by giving more money to those who sit on their a**. Too many people cribbing and moaning. Poverty etc is all relative. We have never had it so good. Have a look at a few photos of Ireland 50 years ago, children without shoes etc etc. Now its whether you have a flat screen tv. Economic and jobs growth. Lefty will destroy it.
Most people I’ve met who exclaim that ‘we’ve never had it so good’ are usually one of the haves and have mores, or still living at home with mammy and daddy.
Go down to the capuchin center in smithfield in the morning and tell the few hundred people who depend on a hot meal from there to survive how great they have it.
James funny you should say that but wasn’t a previous Fine Gael led government dissolved when they tried to bring in a shoe tax?
I am neither left or right, FG/LAB or FF but the center left policies of FF brought us down. While we were down the right policies of FG drowned out the left policies of LAB and now we are supposed to be thankful because we are moaners and that we never had it so good blah blah because we didn’t have shoes 50 years ago, and
What next will the gov trolls come up with a Fine Gael and Labour appreciation day??
Norman – poverty is relative. A poverty index in itself is nonsensical. Where is the bar? Who do we compare ourselves against? Surely as the economy improves, we all become wealthier the bar naturally rises. Why not use rural Africa as an index for poverty in the country? Why not use outer Mongolia? We as a country have never had it so good. This is a fact. Every child in this country can go to school. Every child has access to medicare (yes we may say sometimes standards fall). Its pathetic to hear the amount of people moaning. Its a bit bloody tiring to hear “lets tax the rich and all our problems will be solved”. History tells us this is wrong
@Spiderman – to be fair, credit where credits due, our loving Labour also brought us flat screen TVs. Just last week I got a Phoney Bravia LCD TV. Its great, but halfway through a film, it changes its mind and starts playing some other bullsh*t that it thinks I should watch.
Spiderman – Who do you think should be running the country then? Considering you are neither left or right? Perhaps having a good moan about those doing their best in the circumstances is your solution. Perhaps accept it is damn hard to run a country and keep all the trolls happy.
James it doesn’t matter what you or I or anyone else thinks. We put a vote in the box, it gets counted up and hey presto we have the next lot that are going to tell us:
-How to live.
-What new taxes to pay.
-What things to say Yes or No too.
-Or whether we will have a job/ money during the lifetime of the gov.
In terms of having a moan about people doing their best in the circumstances let’s talk about all the families that can’t get a 100k salary and 50k ish expenses. Do people not muddle through doing their best or is it just the government you are talking about?
Exit stage- spot on they can dish it but they can’t take it- this site is dominated by SF keyboard warriors together with a couple of lefty loonies, if you don’t see things their way your abused & slagged off as FG ff labour & all that bull! The tide us turning……
Business cat – The reason this site is full of Shinners and Far lefties is because they are majority unemployed and have all day to pr!ck about on the internet. Funded by the working people of course, who are usually Centre-Left or Centre-Right.
Odran you can put whatever spin you like on it, the tide was always going to turn. There is no foundation for your panic laden comments! People will never vote Marxists or anyone else in to power that threatens our democracy & freedom
Christ. The comments on here are soul destroying. No room for objectivity or an ability/want to have a logical and reasonable discussion. The majority don’t even seem to know why they support who they support just that it isn’t one of the other ones.
Threatens our democracy and freedom. Where is this democracy you talk about? When you vote someone in who say they will do something then do the exact opposite.As for freedom are we not under Germanys spell until we get our financial house in order ( not that we ever will with this debt).So you have to ask yourself who is threatening our democracy and freedom.
Yet another brand new trolling account, eh, “fingelton “. Week end shift at fg troll hq? BTW wealth is also relative and our current wealthy folk are rich beyond the dreams of avarice. THEY also have never had it so good, and plan on keeping it that way. “the lefties will ruin everything ” – I have such a pain in me hole listening to that.
A bit awkward when you realise Brian Lenihan almost saved us all. Let’s hope the future ruling parties have honest, smart, hard-working men like Lenihan. Irrespective of who gets in, we need good heads. We will thrive now with weak euro for the next 2-3 years! Going left wing will be a backward step…
Sure, and Mary L and Gerry would saved the day? It was an impossible situation. You ever see the movie with Ewan McGregor and family in Thailand floods? Impossible. Unpossible for you mate!
Didn’t lenehan call it the cheapest bailout in history? It’s a strong custom not to speak ill of the dead but it’s as bad also to heap praise where it is not due.
Brian Lenihan was out of his depth, should never have been appointed as finance minister ad betrayed the citizens of this country. Fcuk off with you pathetic attempt to rewrite history.
A year out from the election Pontius. After the scandal from before Christmas it was clear they would lose a lot of support. Freefall was being attached to Labour and FG less than 12 months ago.
Plenty of electioneering to be done in the next 15 months.
Dermot. Of course the main problem for SF is that they won’t even get 20% of the seats with 20% of the votes as they are not transfer friendly. Also when the undecideds make up their minds they will opt in the most part for the constitutional parties. Finally of course a large portion of SF supporters probably won’t be bothered to vote.
The shinners were telling us a few months ago that there would be an election immediately. Now they seem quite happy that it will be next year so that they can “rebuild”.
I think you’re spot on about Mary Lou. Also think that is the end of any serious move by SF if she becomes as unpalatable as Adams has for most people. Never felt they would gain any serious traction as a party, like some in opposition, by jumping on the populist vote but thought they might become a serious player if they kept the slow burn going.
A LOT can still happen but if FG/FF do the dirty, which lets face it they have no other option, than i can’t see anything else that is even plausible. Although…
Perhaps wiser people know that there is no magic SF wand or fairy tale economics and that the road to recovery is painful regardless of who is in power. Ireland is as relative to the European economy as a pimple on an elephants arse. We firstly need to create jobs to create revenue to apply more social justice . That is not to say I trust FG Lab to share that benefit but I as sure as hell don’t trust the, thugs from West Belfast with this great Nations future
What do you mean ‘another 100,000′. There was never a first one. You mean the 30,000? Also that’s quite small when you measure it against the population like me that don’t go on the match and choose to work. 30,000 out of population 4,500,000. That’s not the people talking. That’s a small minority
As both of them have continually stated when their poll ratings have been worse ” The only poll that counts is the one at the ballot box” Let’s wait and see.
@Nicky. That is pure spin. The same news as last week is not new “MORE” good news.
If I was told by one person last week that I was getting a pay rise and another told me the same news this week I would not get any MORE.
The Government received one piece of good news from the first opinion poll. This opinion poll gave them a second piece of good news. Now they have one more piece of good news than they did last week.
You say ‘spin’, but these these opinion polls can go either way, and frequently are not favourable to the Government parties.
Spider-man please look up how opinion polls are conducted. They are representative samples and scientific in nature. Quite a few people showing their ignorance here.
By all means Paul save me the time and effort of going through the Red C Poll webpage and explain how the polls work. But then again stats only work when people eligible to vote only know the ones the gov spins eh?
I had a look at it Paul and it seems reasonable enough. They do it all by phone and ring random numbers based on an algorithm that is based on the census figures in 2011. They aim to target at least 25 percent of adults.
The only issue that I have is that the last census was again in 2011. There is almost 4 years of a difference between back then and now and people’s situation and demograph could indeed has shifted. I think we should ignore these polls they seem very fickle and subject to fluctuations tbh. It’s a bit like asking the same question over and over again and expecting different results and not factoring the time that has passed into the equation when comparing last month’s poll to this month’s poll.
The Seanad referendum the Red C Poll was the opposite of the vote and Red C is suppose to be the most accurate of all of them?
Tell people something is popular and that will make it popular here?
Nick why dont the journal do a poll.It should go like this._.Who do you think should get into government next then name all parties and groups that are running and let us really see how a modern age poll works
Now they are back in the dail after their usual long christmas break expect to see these improved ratings fall again.Then we will have the mini budget to cover the cost of the irish conservation pay off and of course we have the small matter of no debt forgiveness or seismic shift…..
These polls mean absolutely nothing if the survey was done on another street or area chances are that it would read completely differently. Elvis would lead the poll with the Easter bunny running a close second. It the simple principles of ratio.
The SBP Red C poll is the most respected of all of these opinion polls. Believe it or not, this is genuinely a fair reflection in people’s preferences. Just because many n here in the Journal comments section don’t like the result, it doesn’t make it any less true
@will I was aiming for sarcasm, clearly not your thing, I thought for sure Elvis the Easter bunny and ratio additions would of made that clear. But thanks for the slapped ar*e!!!!!
@Paul Carey no it’s not, unlike some people on here that hide behind stupid pictures and fake profiles, that’s me and my husband, we’ve been married for 24yrs and have 3 fantastic sons. I put my face and name to all my comments not like some of the cowards on here
Losing the will to live, it is obvious certain people don’t realise the importance of research before posting.
Here it is, 30 seconds is all it took to get this info:
To ensure the sample is totally representative we use an approach called random digit dialling (RDD) to create a random database of telephone numbers. By doing this we are able to ensure we reach all telephone households, including those that are ex-directory. It is also important when conducting a poll that you account of all households, including mobile only households that now make up at least 25% of all adults. Half of our sample are interviewed using an RDD landline sample, with the other half conducted using an RDD mobile phone sample, this ensures 98% coverage of the population reaching landline only households, mobile only households and those with both a landline and a mobile. Quotas are then set on demographics such as age, gender, social class and region to ensure that the people we speak to are representative of all adults aged 18+, based on the very latest Census statistics. – See more at:
If they did a survey in Tallaght or Finglas S.F would be top. 1000 people surveyed is not a true reflection of the electorate. Who did they survey, what areas?
Some genius commentary Mike..! Luckily the survey is a countrywide one. If they did a survey in south Dublin /rest of the country SF wouldn’t come out on top. Fingers crossed Ireland has woken up to the dangers of SF and the loony left. They make me sick with their populist dribble. “Lets tax the people who work hard and hand it out to those who don’t”.
This Greek election is also coming at a great time. When Syriza ultimately fail with their pathetic anti-austerity rhetoric, it’ll act as a pretty cruel reality check to the sunshine Sinn Fein/Hard Left supporters in this country
Kerry – nothing compared to what Gerry, Mr Murphy and that rabble would like to do. A government can’t be too far left or too far right. It has to land somewhere in the middle. this is what this government is doing. I for one think they are doing a good job. I have friends returning because there are jobs now available. Students first thoughts aren’t “we have to go abroad to work”. If the loopy left come in, make us uncompetitive we will be right back to where we were. Lets not undo the good work done to date
What a nasty, bitter little creep. You wish ill on the Greeks and insult them about matters which are none of your business. This pathological hatred of anything to the left of mussolini will eventually damage your health. Grow up.
What other demographic is used by red c polls. Is income, employment, education, home ownership, etc used to get an even spread of social standing with these 1000 persons surveyed?
There’s just over a year until the election. Anything can change between now and then. It might be interesting to see how the ratings go after April when the first water bills start arriving with people. Then comes the broadcasting charge in 2016 followed by Universal Health Insurance (UHI).
When a party announces 20’000 job to go and social welfare to be cut 120 miles up the road and the same party calls redundancies and social welfare cuts in the Republic austerity then people soon wake up. Thus -4% as voters see through their spoofing. That’s a drop of 16% of their voters since last opinion poll
It’s more like the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy conducted these polls !!….It’s the only way the two Government parties can steady the backbenchers !!…
The poll is a reflection of the successful economic turnaround this government has achieved. People are starting to see the benefits of the tough decisions made. SF rise was always a protest vote. Many more coming to realise that a SF government would put all we’ve worked for at risk. About time…
O,reilly you must be living the life of reilly.If you think the sf vote was only a protest vote you are delusional.How many times I have heard that f–king phrase tough decisions been made,is insulting to the majority of people who have suffered austerity.Then this new mantra “starting to see the benefits”, I have yet to meet anyone who have seen these “benefits”.As for polls the only poll I want to see is a general election and then we wont have people on hear claiming untruths.
Derek, the signs are there. Incontrovertible evidence that the economy has improved and will continue to improve. Just because you’re not feeling it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. We have the fastest growing economy in Europe. We had net immigration last year. Unemployment in single digits. Pay increases in both public and private sectors this year. Consumer confidence and spending is up. SME’s are projecting a good year and intend to recruit. Tourism is up YOY. Holiday bookings abroad for this month are up significantly. Car sales are up significantly.
But I suppose if you and you’re mate’s aren’t feeling it, then it’s all shite…
What feckin benefits from the budget I’m down €47 PW because of the budget so how can we be benefitting cmon journal stop giving these fools encouragement who in their right mind is gonna vote FG and Labour again jeez were do they get these polls
Everyone relax – you can be sure calamity will come a calling for Enda & the chancers soon. Opinion polls are pointless really – the next GE will deliver a truer opinion and fools such as paul carey & co will be extremely quiet on this forum.
Woe is me. The lying two faced fg fake and lap dogs labour up in polls. Seriously please tell these people to stop drinking the tap water. Its either that or they are surveying labour and fg family and friends and bankers and their families. Its plausible. Don’t believe for one second any self respecting Irish person would even consider these idiots in an election. Kenny flying off to sickly rich party living lavish lives and laughing at Irish people. 35 grand is the minimum wage people and how do you people have expensive phones? And the Irish went mad spending. Wake the hell up the fickle.
When people feel the pain of a falling euro, increasing the cost of living, to benefit the banksters, support for FG/Labour will crumble. As regards SF they like FG will not even appear on the peoples debate with Vinnie. What a disappointment they are becoming.
Right, any ideas about how unbiased a poll by a newspaper Denis O’Brien has shares in will be? Might has well have just thrown dice to come up with the results. Lets try tarot the next time? When are they going to realise that the public are no longer buying the crap they’re selling!
Latest poll! Chicken Coupe secure!! New poll states that 98% of chckens would vote for foxes to be in charge!.. 2% sitting on fence!
Give me a break!…..
I dont believe there are that many traitors in this country , that would vote for such an evil anti Irish anti people party as FG ….they are the liver flukes of the world ….and they distroy all but the rich and powerful elites, anyone who thinks they work for us is deluded…you may as well vote for hitler !!
I didn’t hear any of the shinners question the polls last year when they showed SF rising in support. But now of course these polls cannot be believed. There must be a conspiracy against SF orchestrated by FG, the IMF, the British Government or somebody.
Simple explanation for this!!!! This poll was conducted in the dail bar During the IW Debate!!! Nearly had me going there,that thick inbred paddy would vote for FG FF or LAB?????? Would he????? Sure didn’t he fix the roads????
Labour wanted to lock out public servants who wouldn’t agree to a third set of pay cuts. We all know where they learnt that trick. Would you vote for William Martin Murphy
At then of the day, FG were on 22% in one poll just one year before the last election. The best is yet to come.
Govt will be FG/Lab with similar FG seats and fewer Lab seats or possibly FG/ind. FF/SF alliance inevitable. Only FG and Lab actually have policies.
its hard to believe that the finebots are creaming in their trousers over a 24% showing in the polls.
the truth is that there has always been a hardcore support fo f.g of around 20%. this hardcore vote support blindly regardless of their policies. This poll like every other poll is irrelevant otherwise, why don’t we save ourselves the expense of an election and just carry out a poll.
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