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# plan ireland

    No country in the world gives women the same power, pay and rights it gives to men
    Ebola declared a 'public health emergency of international concern'
    Aid agency worker dies as Ebola outbreak spreads
    Ebola has now spread into Liberia, say Irish aid workers
    Ebola outbreak in Guinea 'could become regional epidemic'
    Irish aid workers in Philippines report roads 'blocked due to dead bodies'
    Ireland falls farther behind on international aid commitment
    Women and children 14 times more likely to die during disasters
    Being a girl in Ireland vs Being a girl in Sierra Leone
    Mary Robinson appointed UN Special Envoy for African Great Lakes region
    Column: Irish troops are heading to Mali – what will they find there?
    Emilia Sorrentino
    Happy International Day of the Girl
    35 tonnes of Irish aid flown to Niger after floods
    Flash flooding displaces thousands in Niger
    Niger: Food crisis affecting 13 million in West Africa
    Half a million people still living in camps in Haiti
    Charity auction t-shirts to redress the gender balance
    Column: Men need to help with gender equality - but it's good for them too
    David Dalton
    Death toll rising amid cholera epidemic in Cameroon
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